Learn More About Our Gala Signature Partner Fresh Focus Media!

Learn More About Our Gala Signature Partner Fresh Focus Media!

Signature Sponsor | Fresh Focus Media
The CRRA is proud to introduce our Annual Award Gala Signature Partner, Fresh Focus Media. Read on to learn more about this innovative company and all of their offerings.

In today’s age, you need to make sure your business is properly represented digitally, as it isn’t enough to just tell people or hand them a brochure and expect them to read it or go to your business and purchase your products and/or services. 92% of all customers today will first find your business via the Internet or through social media. This means you need […]

June 9th – Commercial Insurance & You Webinar

June 9th – Commercial Insurance & You Webinar

On June 9th, Rob de Pruis from the Insurance Bureau of Canada will be sharing his professional insight with the CRRA!

Commercial Insurance & You: The State of Alberta’s Insurance Market will cover important topics including:

How does inflation and the stock market affect premiums?
Auto Insurance – how might electric vehicles charging affect rates?
The new National Flood Insurance Program
The Calgary Residential Roofing Rebate

The Webinar takes place on Thursday, June 9th from 12:00 to 1:00 pm  – Pre-registration Only!

Download Registration PDF | Event Calendar on CRRA.ca 
